Reliable fiat payments for digital asset businesses.

Help reduce third-party risk with a compliance-first partner.

Access crypto friendly accounts.

Create named EUR vIBANs and USD pooled accounts for B2B payments
Segregate funds, send, receive and reconcile payments.
Manage treasury operations in one platform
Deposit EUR and USD. Make efficient payments via SEPA and SWIFT between your entities globally.
Accept payments from other businesses
Get paid by partners, liquidity providers, and crypto exchanges in EUR. Receive payments using SEPA Credit, and SEPA Instant.
Manage salary payouts to employees
Pay employees, contractors and freelancers in less than 24h by using SEPA Instant payment scheme.

Award-winning payments technology.

2022 - Most Outstanding Innovator in Payments, Finance Magnates
2023 - The 30 Most Promising Cross-Border Payments Companies, FXC Intelligence
2023 - Best Crypto Solution for Payments, Finance Magnates

Move between financial worlds.

Enable on and off-ramp
Access both fiat and cryptocurrency wallets, allowing conversion between different currencies in one place.
Trade between currencies
Exchange crypto to fiat, fiat to crypto, and crypto to crypto on the BVNK platform, or using our OTC desk.

Benefit from instant USD settlements.

Cut costs
Free, real-time international USD transactions between network participants.
Available 24/7/365
No cut-off times or bank holiday limitations. The network operates 24/7 all year round.
Instant settlement
USD settlement between participants happens instantly. No middleman, no delays.

Why businesses choose BVNK.

Enterprise grade
Benefit from 99.9% platform uptime, API response time of 0.1 seconds, and proven technology processing over $6 billion in payments annually. BVNK is ISO 27001 certified and independently audited, demonstrating our commitment to keeping customer data secure. Learn more.
Regulated in multiple countries
BVNK is regulated as an EMI in the UK and Europe and holds multiple VASP registrations in Europe. Please note that cryptoassets are not regulated in the UK by the FCA. We're committed to expanding our licensing footprint globally. Learn more
Bridging financial worlds
We support both fiat and blockchain payments, ensuring regulatory clarity by separating products under distinct regulatory regimes; our UK EMI licence and VASP registration in Europe. Learn more
Flexible integration
Choose from pre-built payment pages or use our SDKs for a tailored integration experience. Use payment links for no code payments via email, SMS, WhatsApp, or other platforms.
100% of e-money is safeguarded
Customer e-money funds are segregated and protected from insolvency in line with regulatory requirements.
Compliance first
Our world-class team has deep expertise in payment system regulatory frameworks. Our controls reduce counterparty risk, while our multilayered AML systems fight financial crime.

Frequently asked questions.

How is BVNK licensed?
Is it easy to integrate with BVNK?
How does BVNK work?
Get started

Beat your competition to meet demand for stablecoin payouts.